Cina Hayam bebek Turki Puyuh nguseup otomatis Cinta Baby Manuk Mini Endog Incubator Pikeun Sale Manufacturers na suppliers | Jimu

Hayam bebek Turki Puyuh nguseup otomatis Cinta Baby Manuk Mini Endog Incubator Pikeun Sale

Pondok Description:

Overview Quick Details Warranty: 3 years, 3 years Egg Capacity(pcs): 56 Dimension(L*W*H): 51.5*30*53cm Applicable Industries: Farms, Home Use Usage: Chicken, Reptile, Bird, Emu, Turkey, Goose, Duck Condition: New Place of Origin: ...

jéntré produk

Tags produk

Rincian gancang
3 taun, 3 taun
Endog Kamampuh (PCS):
Dimension (L * W * H):
51.5 * 30 * 53cm
Lumaku Industries:
Kebon, Imah Paké
Hayam, reptil, Manuk, Emu, Turki, nguseup, bebek
Tempat Asal:
Shandong, Cina
Ngaran brand:
220v & 12v, 12v / 220v
Sanggeus-jualan Service disadiakeun:
suku cadang bébas, rojongan teknis Video, rojongan Online
mini incubator
56 Hayam Endog / batur
Hatching laju:
mesin hirup:
> 10 taun
51.5 * 30 * 53cm

Bungkusan & Taliwang

Jual Unit:
item hiji
Hiji ukuran pakét: 
51.5X30X53 cm
Hiji beurat kotor:
5,5 kg
Pakét Tipe:
Unggal incubator endog otomatis bakal dipak dina kotak kado jeung busa jero

Waktos prosés :
Kuantitas (Piece) 1 - 10 > 10
Est. Waktos (poé) 15 Bisa disawalakeun
Panjelasan Produk
Ternak hayam Puyuh DC12v 220 volt Mini Full otomatis controller 56 Endog Incubator Mesin Harga Di India 
Item NO.  endog hayam  Ukuran (cm)  Beurat (kg) nyarios
 CT.36  36  51.5 * 30 * 53cm  5,3 multifungsi
 CT.48  48  51.5 * 30 * 53cm  5,3 anyar
 CT.56  56  51.5 * 30 * 53cm  5,3  
 CT.60  60  52 * 53 * 30cm  5,5  
 CT.63  63  62 * 27 * 66cm  7,7 multifungsi
 CT.72  72  52 * 43.5 * 53.5cm  7.1  
 CT.96  96  52 * 43.5 * 53.5cm  7.1 anyar
 CT.98  98  62 * 27 * 66cm 7,8  
 CT.112  112  52 * 43.5 * 53.5cm  7.1  
 CT.126 126 62 * 39 * 66cm 11,5 multifungsi
 CT.189 189 62 * 54 * 66cm 15,5 multifungsi
 CT.196 196 62 * 39 * 66cm 11,5  
 CT.294 294 62 * 54 * 66cm 15,5  

1. complimentary (Chick feeder, drinker Chick, Tambahkeun ka ketel, sprinkler, lightener endog)

2. Dual catu daya, inverter jeung WiFi fungsi perlu dibeuli misah 

angkutan barang 3.The diatur salaku angkutan barang sahiji modél ct.48, sarta kaperluan angkutan barang bisa recalculated keur meuli incubators séjén


hal nu husus

Endog 1.Automatic ngarobahna kalawan cara ngadengdekkeun endog 45 ° sakali unggal dua jam; bisa disaluyukeun ku diri
2.Micro-computer keep the temperature and humidity invariable

Hawa tampilan 3.LED / asor / hatching poé / waktos endog ngarobahna.
4.Temperature alarm/humidity alarm(when going out set range)
5.The latest updated model,more accurate and stable.The high power temperature fans and

    Élmu sarta Téknik pipe, mastikeun tinggi hatching laju
6.Come with quality transparent quality base,Four large observation windows
7.Easy to clean,simple to use with instructions included..
8.Excellent quality,EU standard/approved
9.Suitable for incubating all poultry:chickens,ducks,turkey,etc.
10.Alarm bell when you increase or decrease the heat and humidity


Émbaran parusahaan

Operasi léngkah mini endog incubator:
1 Unpack the box and check the incubator, and check whether all of the accessories inside of the packing box are well-equipped, including top cover, base, automatic egg tray, mesh plate, instruction and power cord.
2 Before use, remove the top cover on the incubator, there are movable egg tray bracket and egg tray mesh inside the base, in order to prevent damage during the transportation, the base, movable egg tray bracket and egg tray mesh are tied up during package, please disassemble it before use.
3 Take movable egg tray bracket and egg tray mesh out of the base. Wash and clean the base, feed water to tank A and B inside of base, then put the movable egg tray bracket into the base.
4 After covering the top cover, rightly connect the power line and switch on the power supply, if temperature is indicated on the control panel in normal condition, the heating indicator(Work) will be on incubator will begin to heat up.
5 Note: when ambient temperature is less than 25°C, measure shall be taken for heat preservation, it’s good for temperature uniformity when the device is enclosed with clothes or other warms, and it also helps energy-saving and reduces heat dissipation.
6 Check all parameters according to Push-button instruction.
7 The motor on egg tray shall be connected to the joint in top cover, so that the motor is available for 24-h work without interruption (the motor will work as long as the device is powered on).
8 After the power and switch are on, the switch indicator on panel turns to red and it will send alarm if the temperature shows “L” and the alarm can be released by pushing “SET”, “+” and “-” . The incubator can be put into running after 2 hours’ trial
9 Check whether all the display meter are as in normal, and it well start to record time by pushing the time reset button after the breeding egg is placed.
10 It will start to record the number of days after pushing the time reset button.
11 It’s about to incubate, put the selected eggs well and the bigger side shall be up, take down the incubation time.
12 The incubator begins to incubate, pay attention to the temperature indicated on the control panel, adjust it in time if it doesn’t comply with requirement, check the water level for every 2-3 days so as to avoid incubator in lack of water.
13 It will send alarm if the humidity is lower than 45%, so please do remember to add water. There are only display and alarm function for humidity,
14 After incubation for 18-19days (take egg as example), the egg tray shall be exchanged, firstly, take the egg off from movable egg tray bracket after the power is cut off, and take egg tray out of the incubator after the motor’s joint is taken off, put the egg tray mesh into the incubator, and lay one layer of egg on the egg tray mesh, then wait for the young poult to break the shell and come out.
15 The egg tray exchange time is different according to number of incubation days of kinds of poultry, it usually takes 3-4days less than the number of incubation days. It’s also the time to exchange the egg tray when one or two eggs breaks.
16 Pay attention to temperature and relative humidity adjustment during the whole incubation process, refer to incubation Technology in the operation instruction for more details.


Q: Naha anjeun nawiskeun sampel?

A: Sumuhun, sadayana produk aya sadia disadiakeun salaku sampel.

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A:  Sumuhun, Teu ukur ngaropea karya, pertanian JIMU ogé mantuan anjeun nyieun produk desain husus nurutkeun pangabutuh anjeun.

Q: Dupi anjeun nampi urutan sampel atawa urutan leutik?

A:  Sumuhun, urang nyadiakeun urutan sampel pikeun nasabah ogé.

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A:  Lieur! Salaku kuantitas salami maréntahkeun meets sarta nyadiakeun kami kalawan gambar anjeun, kami bisa nempatkeun logo anjeun dina produk.

Q: Sabaraha lami urang bakal nampa barang?

A:  Waktu pangiriman normalna mah 5-7 poé sanggeus narima handap mayar.

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A:  Urang boga sanggeus-jualan-layanan pinuh. Tur upami Anjeun salah kapanggih wae produk cacad, kaasup pamakéan bener, urang bakal nawiskeun jasa ngagantian.


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